Saturday, December 15, 2012

Blogging for Dollars: How to Create Blogging Income for Free

There are many different sites on the web that dedicate their time and attention to the blogging for dollars concept. There is a reason for the redundancy and overwhelming number of sites dedicated to creating free passive income from blogging. This type of information is among the most sought after types of information on the web. It rates almost as high as celebrity gossip, dating sites, and unique quality pornographic content. Everyone seems to want to make a fortune simply by slapping a few words down on their own web page then walking away. Unfortunately the days of displaying a little content then letting nature take its course are over, if they ever existed in the first place.

In order to create blogging income without spending money online it is important to understand the basics of how the internet works. Content is king, but marketing and monetization are queen. Without killer content no one will spend much time on your site or blog. However, without proper marketing and website monetization no one will know about your site and even if they do discover it by accident they will not generate any income via their visit. These three items come together to create a word and advertisement soup that either make or break your passive income stream. 

Begin your attempt to create blogging income for free by starting a few test blogs on free use sites. Google sites and BlogSpot are two excellent choices, especially if you wish to easily monetize the sites via Google AdSense and you do not intend to create adult oriented sites. While Google allows for adult sites to exist they do not provide an option for commercially run adult pornography sites on their free programs. AdSense cannot be used on an adult site without the risk of losing your AdSense account. 

I would suggest that you create four free sites as tests. These will not be massive all-encompassing enterprises. These sites will be small in nature and will be complete in appearance. They will not need constant content updates unless you wish to add on a news offering area related to the concept you chose for these blogs. Each of these blogs will need to be somewhat related in some way. 

One example would be a site dedicated to general dating site information. Three other sites could focus on specific niche dating site concepts such as Jewish dating sites, alternate lifestyle dating sites, and even adult dating sites. While the last site type may not be usable with AdSense these types of sites often have affiliate marketing programs that can be used to generate an income stream. It would be fairly easy to create each of these blog sites and reach a reasonably completed state.

Link your newly created sites together via a link page and within the content of a few of your blog posts. This creates a cyclic ring effect that allows for a greater chance that a visitor will go to several different sites. Using both AdSense and dating affiliate marketing programs these blogs will be well monetized, have lots of free graphics for use, and provide useful information for would be dating site users. Try to make certain that you create at least four pages for each site. This means four blog posts each on BlogSpot blog or four created pages on Google sites. 

This would equal a forty-eight different opportunities for someone to click an AdSense add and possibly sixteen or more chances for someone to click through to a dating site and join up. Just from these sixteen pages on four blogs the blogsmith has sixty-four possible chances to earn income. This entire series of blogs and sites can easily be done within a few hours if you are someone who finds writing to be an easy endeavor. 

Once this minimum is reached it is time to start reaching out into the world to draw attention to your sites. Join social sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Post frequently on related social forum sites with links to your blogs in your signature. Submit your sites to online directories that accept free submissions. You may need to provide a reciprocal link, a link back to their site, but that costs nothing but a few minutes of your time. I suggest that you join a minimum of five social sites.

Join Facebook with a fan page for your sites. This page can be a main hub for information regarding your sites and it can provide further information about your dating site information gathering exploits. Twitter can be used as a means to drive traffic and if you can provide insightful or humorous tweets then there is a possibility that someone with lots of followers may retweet something you said. This can equal lots of traffic. 

Join three forum sites that allow links in your forum signature. Check to see which sites are active and have lots of traffic. Post at least three or four times per day on each of these sites. Each time you post you will have your websites in your signature. Four posts per day on each site will equal twelve links to your sites per day. Do not use these posts to advertise your sites. Instead, use these posts to offer witty or insightful information about a subject. 

After one month you will have at least 360 different back links to your sites on three different related websites. This does not include twitter posts and Facebook wall posts. Post on your twitter account several times each day. Generally speaking, try to post at least one link in the morning, one at mid-day, and one at night. However, do not only post links. Tweet about random things related to your interests that coincide with your sites. Be humorous and witty. Do not post more than three or four times during each time period. I suggest that you tweet no more than ten times per day total, but preferably less than ten times. Over-saturation of tweets may cause you to lose followers. 

There are many other sites to consider as well. Tumblr, Digg, Reddit, LinkedIn, Google +, and Stumbleupon are good choices. Instagram has become a big thing in social networking recently as well. There's also MySpace even if it is not as useful currently when compared to Facebook. 

Outside of social networking sites there are also freelance article writing sites like Squido where an enterprising writer can create a following through written articles. These articles can be additions to your main blog sites or even a blog of their own due to the ability to add in Google AdSense. It is good to have blogs on several different free sites since this provides a more organic appearance for links between them. Search engines like organic seeming back links the most of all. Four links between BlogSpot sites will be good for search engines, but a series of blogs on four different sites will seem much better. 

This is a time consuming approach and the income will be very small at first. Some of the heartache and low income angst can be removed by simply buying advertisement space or paying for traffic. If you find that using free sources for your free blog site income attempts does not work out then consider the age old concept of buying advertisements.

How to Write Effective Articles

Effective article writing is one of the keystones of a modern online business. There are no online businesses that do not have to deal with the concept in some manner. A company that does not create their own article submission campaigns will still be associated with articles written about their company or website through third-party reviewers. Writing effective articles becomes one of the most important aspects of any online endeavor that involves marketing, advertising, and earning an income. Those individuals who choose to actually write those articles can generate lots of money in both the short and long term phases. Ghost writers make a good short term income, while bloggers and similar freelance writers will make more in the long term on a per article basis.

There are a few tips to take under advisement when writing effective articles. Following these bits of advice will allow for maximized effectiveness and minimal frustration.

Do Not Over-Think the Subject Matter

The most important thing to remember about writing effective articles is that they are pointless without high reader comprehension. There is a tendency toward the usage high-end literary terms in many professionally written articles. The general thought process utilized is the belief that proper grammar and academic words are what make an article writer seem professional. The truth is that this can actually lessen the effectiveness of an article if the writer is not careful. Writing effective articles is foremost about relating information to the masses. The average man or woman on the street will not have a dictionary and thesaurus on-hand at all times. If your articles require the average citizen to need to visit online resources to understand the terminology used you will have failed the most basic test of writing effective articles.

Speak to your audience in easy-to-grasp terms. Writing effective articles often requires the writer to simply speak to their audience as though they were in the room with them. The only time that effective writing should not be simplistic is when writing about highly technical subjects that are meant to be reviewed by research scientists. If you speak to a wide audience it is best to use short concise sentences that utilize simple and easily related terms.

Use Unique Insights Mixed With General Knowledge 

It is important that any articles that you write are created utilizing well-known information mixed with unique insights. The well-known information provides a comfort zone, a means of relating directly with a targeted audience. However, the unique insights provide what can be considered 'killer content'. Writing effective articles becomes easier once this concept becomes well-balanced in your writing efforts. One example of this concept can be found under the blogging for dollars section on this site.

Don't Stress About Grammar and Spelling

Writing effective articles ultimately comes down to the capacity to relate to your audience. Proper spelling and grammar are important, but in all honesty it is not as important as many writers believe. If your audience is solely based in one country and in one language then grammar and spelling are absolutely important. However, if your audience is global in scope then your writing will look strange to some individuals no matter what you do. Examples of this fact include the word color. It can be seen in at least two forms on many sites and both are correct for their region. The word color is the same as colour and both are spelled correctly. The same can be true of the words blond and blonde, or tire and tyre. Make attempts to spell a word properly in at least one regional version of a language but don't stress about spelling beyond that point. Generally speaking, people are not bio-mechanically hardwired to read every letter of a word at first glance anyway. There is strong evidence that most people will read the word as an entirety and fill-in-the blanks according to context.

Grammar can be even more differentiated based on region. This leads to confusion at times and can cause articles to appear poorly written in comparison to one that is written by a native local writer. Focus on utilizing proper grammar for your home region only. Avoid utilizing local slang concepts when possible. Combine this with simple terms and concise sentences. This above all will allow for writing effective articles that most people can understand.

Blogging for Dollars: Monetizing for Dummies

Monetization of an online blog or website comes in several basic forms. These forms are based on the type and nature of the website that will be monetized. Private Blogs have a different online monetizing niche than for-profit commercial sites and non-profit sites. The most basic components of online monetization are advertisement, affiliate offers, donations, and item sales.

How to Monetize a Personal Blog

Personal blogs for the duration of this article will encompass not only personal blog format sites but also any site that does not include commercial or non-profit concepts. This may include an online forum for fans of a certain movie genre, political writers, humor writers, and any number of other project types. This category contains any type of site that does not directly sell items or services and does not focus on charity or communal projects of a civil nature. Monetizing online sites in this group will usually require the acquisition of an affiliate marketing account with a related company, and possibly advertisement based income sources of the pay-per-view or pay-per-click variety. In this article we will address the basics on non-commercial website monetization.

Affiliate Marketing Options

Affiliate marketing is one of the most common and potentially lucrative forms of online website monetization. The would-be web entrepreneur will contact a website that offers an affiliate program or searchable affiliate database sites such as commission junction or Clickbank. These types of programs make the website owner into a middleman of sorts. They drive traffic to another site or product and get paid for doing so. 

Affiliate marketing often works best when there are only a few offers on a given webpage. Advertising in general should be light and work with the color scheme of the site it is placed on. My personal suggestion is to seek out three separate companies and directly join their affiliate marketing programs. One of the best programs currently is the one attached to if you can actively become an affiliate. Your capacity to join the program will largely revolve around where you live. Local and state, or country, tax laws have caused Amazon to shut down affiliate operations in many areas due to improper taxation.

The best method of affiliate marketing will be to find a company or site that has highly relevant items or information related to the site that will be marketing the items or information. Once two to three good sites for your project are found use their affiliate links and banner adds to act as a splash of color on an otherwise potentially draw page. If done with an artistic flair the site will look better overall and the affiliate links and banners will not be a distraction. It would be even better to use these links and banners as a review style page on a website. This reinforces the idea of buying or clicking on a link for further information without violating most affiliate program terms of service obligations. Pharmaceutical drug review sites, videogame sites, move review sites, and similar concepts can readily make use of this tactic without owning or shipping any products.

Two Basic Advertisement Based Monetizing Methods

While affiliate marketing can be exceptionally lucrative it can also fail to produce results. A website owner who wishes to make money whether they sell anything or not should consider attempting to work with a pay-per-click or pay-per-view style advertising source. 

Google is the world's largest program for pay-per-click advertisement and the one that most individuals are used to seeing in action on a given web page. The well-known and often viewed nature of this program allows many website owners to make a consistent income based off of their traffic alone. They will be paid whenever someone clicks on one of the ads regardless of whether anything is purchased. Pay-per-view style advertising concepts are different in that they pay the site owner simply to have the advertisement viewed by a unique visitor. Typically, these views are lumped together in a concept known as CPM. CPM is an acronym relating to the concept of one thousand advertisement views.

How To Effectively Place Advertisements or Affiliate Banners

A well trafficked site can easily rack up unique page views and if several of these advertisements are located on a given page then they usually will count as a unique view for each advertisement. Do not fall into the trap of over-saturation. Try to keep your advertisements to five per page or less. Place at least three ads above the fold, or the point on the website wherein an individual has to scroll down to see the rest of the page. Experiment with the different placement of your ads to find the best locations.

A good early suggestion will be to place one ad set on each side of the main page body, one ad set at the top of the page just above where the body section begins, one ad set in the middle of the main body of the page in order to break up text heavy pages, and a larger advertisement at the bottom of the page just below the main body. This will allow the information on the page to be framed without intruding into the information provided.

Site Design and Visitor Retention

There is a common misconception that runs rampant among professional website designers and amateur blog creators alike. This misconception is the belief that there is one right and true way to design a site or retain visitors. The sheer magnitude of articles and sites online dedicated to the proper method of creating a website design are staggeringly high in number. The truth is that there is no one right way. There is only what works for the needs of your site. A site dedicated to primordial shrubbery may require a drastically different layout compared to a website that focuses on baking cookies. When you blog for dollars it is important to design your website, or simple blog, with your target audience in mind. The amount of flashy graphics, loading images, and videos embedded should correspond to the audience and not to a supposed one-world, one-internet, type of standard that exists only in the minds of people who are trying to sell you eBooks.

Design your site to be based on the needs of your information and audience. That is the only real global rule. There are several things to keep in mind that do work to help retain visitors, however. First on the agenda is the creation of a bare-bones site plan. This will be the framework for sharing the content of your site. While overall design should adhere to the needs of visitors there is a general preference for a specific type of layout in accordance to different types of shared information.

Niche and general information based sites will typically be frequented by individuals who like to have both a side navigation control panel and a horizontal control panel on the top of the page. The side panel can be on either side. This layout design allows for a professional approach and a simplistic method of navigating a site. Simplicity is essential when it comes to sharing information. A site visitor will be more likely to return to a given site if they are capable of actively navigating that site with ease. Make certain that new articles or posts can be readily located on the main page. This allows for direct linking to the newest information and guarantees that people will return due to the fact that they do not need to search the whole site to find anything that has been added since their last visit. This reduces the length of time they remain on the site, but increases the possibility of their return if the information they locate is what they seek.

Font sizes and types are important as well. Many people think that a unique font type or style will make their site seem unique or interesting. This may be true if it is used sparingly and for emphasis. However, most web-surfing individuals who are seeking information want to locate easy-to-read and detailed sources. Emphasizing specific sections with italics or a different font type may help draw attention, but if the entire body of content is in a non-standard format the visitor may leave solely due to legibility issues. This is especially true when they are seeking information on a site that is written in a language that they only speak, read, or write as a secondary language. Aerial Black and Times New Roman are a few popular and basic choices. Font sizes ranging from 10-12 point font are typical as well. I would suggest that slightly larger font should be used for text-heavy sites. While 12 point font is somewhat universal it can also be harder to read. A larger font size allows for a more natural reading experience when a great deal of text is involved. On sites like Blogspot the fonts range from small - largest without defining the exact font point size. Changing font size on sites like this can be done through html rewrites or simply using the method allowed.

Here follows an example of these concepts in action.

This is a test of the writing broadcast system. This is only a test. It is conducted whenever people decide that they wish to use terrible fonts and tiny font sizes instead of easy to read material. I repeat. This is only a test. Thank you and have a nice day.

This is a test of the writing broadcast system. This is only a test. It is conducted whenever people decide that they wish to use terrible fonts and tiny font sizes instead of easy to read material. I repeat. This is only a test. Thank you and have a nice day.

The previous selections of text showcase what happens when you change the font size and font type in a select segment of the information that you wish to provide to your visitors. It easily catches the eye and simple italicization can be utilized to emphasize key sections. The first segment utilizes Blogspot's small font setting. The second segment uses the normal font size. One acts as fine print, while the other provides larger letters which can be easier to read. The first type can be used when lots of technical information needs to be stated in a small amount of space, but not necessarily needs to be read. The second type can be used for better explanation of specific information. This article is mostly written in the large font.

Careful use of font size and type can make provided information easier to read. That is the only rule that can be considered universal on the internet. Save special fonts and sizes for needed emphasis and people will be more likely to return to your site.

The final advice for site design and visitor retention that I can give to you is "Do not over-saturate your page with advertisements." Three to five advertisements spaced around the page are more than adequate in most instances. Pop-up ads may make for nice conversion on clickable link ads, but they often annoy the site visitor. When creating your site ask yourself, "What do I hate about the websites that I visit? What do I like?"

If you were to find two websites with information of very similar nature which would you choose to frequent among them? Would you rather visit the site with few but highly relevant ads or the site with a dozen ads, interstitial page ads that ask you to wait 15 seconds before proceeding, pop-ups, and insistent demands that you click yes or no before leaving their page just to be sure you want to leave? The second site makes a lot more money from each of their visitors based on advertisement but they have to spend a small fortune on advertising of their own just to convince people to wade through the ad placements. The first page may have fewer advertisements but their visitors can be gathered in a more organic manner and they will have an easier time maintaining their traffic. In the end either website design model can work. You simply need to decide whether you prefer a website that has visitors who appreciate the site or visitors who tolerate their site due to the information or items it provides.

Fiction Writing Links and Guides

Blogging For Dollars

These articles focus on blogging as a means to an end. They are written in the hope that they will aid the casual blogger in creating greater exposure and monetary income. A blog that is not meant for either exposure or monetization does not generally need to improve traffic, but these tips may still be useful.

Blogging For Dollars: Niche Versus Generalized Content

Blogging For Dollars: Monetizing For Dummies

Blogging For Dollars: Site Design and Visitor Retention

Blogging For Dollars: How To Create Blogging Income For Free

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Online Writing Income Articles

Freelance Writing Tips Hosted On Knoji - The articles on this site are designed to aid an individual in learning basic and intermediate level writing tactics. Some of these articles involve marketing a site while others involve creating content.

Fiction Writing Links And Guides - The articles in this section of the site are designed around rendering aid to those who are interested in writing fiction of various types.

Non-Fiction Article Writing Links And Guides - The articles in this section are focused on working with specific content sites such as Knoji or Textbroker.

Blogging For Dollars - The articles in this section are meant to help the casual blogger market and monetize their blog. This section is for the DIY crowd who does not wish to operate solely through content sites. These individuals wish to create their own blog or website that is solely their own.

How Article Submission Sites Work

Article submission sites work through various means. There are two basic types of sites to consider, however. These sites are upfront payment and residual payment sites. The upfront payment sites may either include payment for articles submitted when they are purchased or when the article submission site chooses to add it to its featured content section. Some sites will offer upfront payment for particular types of content but not for other types.

Residual income article submission sites focus on a pay-per-view type of payment model. These sites may either use something akin to AdSense, where a visitor clicks on ads or they may be paid specifically for each view the article receives. Residual payment models usually involve very low amounts of money, often only a few cents, for viewers. Typically these sites pay per thousand views, a concept known as CPM. $0.50 - $1.50 per thousand views is fairly common. Sites that use AdSense style models do not usually pay for views, but do pay for clicks. This can cause the income stream for the site to be sporadic, but possibly more lucrative, than straight CPM.

The payment methods for some article submission sites involve hybridization of these two payment concepts. They may pay a small amount upfront then allow for residual income based on views made on the material provided.

The article submission sites that pay upfront tend to come in three primary forms. These forms include what are known as "article mills". These sites allow a writer to receive or accept orders for specific types of article content. This ghost writer approach to online article writing income can be lucrative if the writer is prolific. However, most article mill sites pay one penny per word or less for general content. Article submission sites that utilize a bidding system or an open pool of content with preferred pricing can be more lucrative, but the payout has less of a guarantee. That is the trade-off.

The article mill sites have a buyer who wants a specific type of content at cut-rate prices, while the bidding sites are more of a gamble but often pay off better in the long run. The third type of article submission site with upfront payment is more akin to the freelance writer model. Instead of selling articles directly the freelancer sells their supposed talents. The writer is hired to write an article based on their worth and writing skills. This is different from the article mill concept only in that article mills generally have a pool of required articles and any writer can fill them if the buyer likes what is written. The freelancer approach is more direct. The writer is commissioned specifically.

Non-Fiction Article Writing Links and Guides

The primary difference between blogging and article writing is cosmetic mostly. You can write articles on blogs and you can treat article submissions like blog posts, even on article submission sites. However, for proper effectiveness it may be necessary to distinguish between these two types of content. In this section we will focus on article creation on personal sites and article submission sites. If you wish to focus on blogging try our blogging for dollars section.

How to Write Effective Articles

How Article Submission Sites Work

Earn a Steady Income With Article Submission Sites

Article Submission Site Reviews

Blogging For Dollars: Niche Versus General Content

There are an incredible number of topics that an individual might write about on a blog. It might very well take an entire lifetime to actually list them all since new topics appear all of the time. This poses a problem during the creation of a new blog or updating an existing blog. Do you, the blog owner, focus on a small niche category or do you try to cram as much content onto your blog as possible? Either way the hope is that you may capture the attention of a visitor.

Despite the current belief that ultra-niche sites are the best way to go, the truth is that any site can become popular if enough people are able to find it on the web. Ultimately, the real key to a successful blog will be a combination of many factors, most of which are centered on acquiring and maintaining traffic. Both a niche site and a general content site may attract a readership, but they require a different angle of approach.

Niche Sites

Sites that focus on one to three related topics, generally no more than three, are known as niche sites. These sites are designed to cater to specific clientele or to attract a specific type of reader. A few examples of sites in this category include a cooking site, an anime tube site, or a site focused on a particular political party's stance. People looking for information of this type will focus their internet searches specifically on these types of sites utilizing related keywords. This provides excellent organic traffic potential. However, there is a downside. Niche sites are only capable of covering a specific set of topics. These sites will need to maintain an exhaustive list of articles and massive amounts of "killer" content in order to rise to the top and become noticed on primary keyword search pages. The general rule of thumb for blogging with niche sites is that the blogger will need to create a new blog for each niche they wish to work with. This may lead to the eventual creation of dozens of blogs and a great deal of stress to maintain updates while making certain that the right update ends up on the appropriate blog.


  • Highly targeted organic traffic 
  • Dedicated content types with a set concept 
  • Site can be small and effectively monetized 


  • Generally does not have much traffic outside the niche 
  • May require the blog owner to create several different blogs to make real money 
  • Will need to fight with other sites over niche specific keywords on a dedicated basis 
  • Must have unique content that draws in visitors in order to compete with similar niche sites 

General Content Sites

Current trends indicate that general content sites do not perform as well as utilizing several niche content sites. This is normally true. However, there are many sites that show this to be incorrect. Sites that are truly massive in nature such as the article content farms of Triond and Knoji are constantly updating with new material due to their large writer base. These articles are written on many different subjects and these massive sites perform quite well. While a blogger will not be in the same category as a content farm there is no reason that a general content site cannot become incredibly popular.

The key to creating an incredibly popular general content site is to include the readership and site visitors as much as possible. While the site may technically belong to the blog owner many people who visit frequently may begin to see it as a community site. Community sites that are popular have dedicated visitors who may visit every single day if not more often. The best method for creating a general content site will be to choose an extremely wide category such as humor or drama. Make certain every post or article placed on the blog follows the concept category chosen and the content itself can be about almost anything.


  • General content sites do not need to adhere to a strict niche content basis 
  • These sites can be departmentalized into specific categories which make them seem like a mass of niche sites. 
  • If the blog owner creates a community setting, such as a forum, they may find that their site visitors grow steadily. 
  • The site can work on a general concept such as humor or action, and focus on making every post humorous or action oriented. 


  • General content sites may be general in concept but they still require unique content to rise above their competition. 
  • Without a specific target niche the general content blog will need to work on building traffic more frequently to attract visitors. 
  • There are massive general content farms on the web currently that will dwarf any attempt by a private individual who is not well-funded. 

The Best Method

The difference between a general site and a niche content site are vast. However, the best method of creating a blogging empire is to use elements of both. Begin blogging for dollars by choosing a general content them, such as humor. Humor sites that are actually humorous tend to maintain their readership when they are updated regularly. Create humorous niche sites around specific content. Once three to five of these sites are created, create another site that is generally humorous content oriented. This site will be the master site for all future blogging endeavors. Continue to update the niche sites but craft links to those sites from the main site.

Use small excerpts from the articles on the niche sites to entice readers to click on the "read more now" link. This link takes them to your niche site. This will allow you to craft a blog site made primarily out of excerpts from your other sites. Add in a new update at least once per day per niche blog attached to the main site. Create a main site blog post at least once every few days. Posts do not need to be long or in-depth unless you are creating a new article or article series. They can be general updates about previously written information, news related to the niche topic, or just forum posts. This creates several direct links and if each site has a forum, then you can craft a signature that links to each of those sites as well.

Articles Hosted on Knoji

Three Writing Tips That Will Improve Your Online Article Writing Income

Four Easy Tips To Earn Money Freelance Writing Online

Basic Marketing Strategies For The Self-Employed Freelance Writer

Basic Networking Strategies For Self-Employed Freelance Article Writers

Freelance Writer Financing and Self-Employment Financial Tips