Saturday, December 15, 2012

Blogging for Dollars: How to Create Blogging Income for Free

There are many different sites on the web that dedicate their time and attention to the blogging for dollars concept. There is a reason for the redundancy and overwhelming number of sites dedicated to creating free passive income from blogging. This type of information is among the most sought after types of information on the web. It rates almost as high as celebrity gossip, dating sites, and unique quality pornographic content. Everyone seems to want to make a fortune simply by slapping a few words down on their own web page then walking away. Unfortunately the days of displaying a little content then letting nature take its course are over, if they ever existed in the first place.

In order to create blogging income without spending money online it is important to understand the basics of how the internet works. Content is king, but marketing and monetization are queen. Without killer content no one will spend much time on your site or blog. However, without proper marketing and website monetization no one will know about your site and even if they do discover it by accident they will not generate any income via their visit. These three items come together to create a word and advertisement soup that either make or break your passive income stream. 

Begin your attempt to create blogging income for free by starting a few test blogs on free use sites. Google sites and BlogSpot are two excellent choices, especially if you wish to easily monetize the sites via Google AdSense and you do not intend to create adult oriented sites. While Google allows for adult sites to exist they do not provide an option for commercially run adult pornography sites on their free programs. AdSense cannot be used on an adult site without the risk of losing your AdSense account. 

I would suggest that you create four free sites as tests. These will not be massive all-encompassing enterprises. These sites will be small in nature and will be complete in appearance. They will not need constant content updates unless you wish to add on a news offering area related to the concept you chose for these blogs. Each of these blogs will need to be somewhat related in some way. 

One example would be a site dedicated to general dating site information. Three other sites could focus on specific niche dating site concepts such as Jewish dating sites, alternate lifestyle dating sites, and even adult dating sites. While the last site type may not be usable with AdSense these types of sites often have affiliate marketing programs that can be used to generate an income stream. It would be fairly easy to create each of these blog sites and reach a reasonably completed state.

Link your newly created sites together via a link page and within the content of a few of your blog posts. This creates a cyclic ring effect that allows for a greater chance that a visitor will go to several different sites. Using both AdSense and dating affiliate marketing programs these blogs will be well monetized, have lots of free graphics for use, and provide useful information for would be dating site users. Try to make certain that you create at least four pages for each site. This means four blog posts each on BlogSpot blog or four created pages on Google sites. 

This would equal a forty-eight different opportunities for someone to click an AdSense add and possibly sixteen or more chances for someone to click through to a dating site and join up. Just from these sixteen pages on four blogs the blogsmith has sixty-four possible chances to earn income. This entire series of blogs and sites can easily be done within a few hours if you are someone who finds writing to be an easy endeavor. 

Once this minimum is reached it is time to start reaching out into the world to draw attention to your sites. Join social sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Post frequently on related social forum sites with links to your blogs in your signature. Submit your sites to online directories that accept free submissions. You may need to provide a reciprocal link, a link back to their site, but that costs nothing but a few minutes of your time. I suggest that you join a minimum of five social sites.

Join Facebook with a fan page for your sites. This page can be a main hub for information regarding your sites and it can provide further information about your dating site information gathering exploits. Twitter can be used as a means to drive traffic and if you can provide insightful or humorous tweets then there is a possibility that someone with lots of followers may retweet something you said. This can equal lots of traffic. 

Join three forum sites that allow links in your forum signature. Check to see which sites are active and have lots of traffic. Post at least three or four times per day on each of these sites. Each time you post you will have your websites in your signature. Four posts per day on each site will equal twelve links to your sites per day. Do not use these posts to advertise your sites. Instead, use these posts to offer witty or insightful information about a subject. 

After one month you will have at least 360 different back links to your sites on three different related websites. This does not include twitter posts and Facebook wall posts. Post on your twitter account several times each day. Generally speaking, try to post at least one link in the morning, one at mid-day, and one at night. However, do not only post links. Tweet about random things related to your interests that coincide with your sites. Be humorous and witty. Do not post more than three or four times during each time period. I suggest that you tweet no more than ten times per day total, but preferably less than ten times. Over-saturation of tweets may cause you to lose followers. 

There are many other sites to consider as well. Tumblr, Digg, Reddit, LinkedIn, Google +, and Stumbleupon are good choices. Instagram has become a big thing in social networking recently as well. There's also MySpace even if it is not as useful currently when compared to Facebook. 

Outside of social networking sites there are also freelance article writing sites like Squido where an enterprising writer can create a following through written articles. These articles can be additions to your main blog sites or even a blog of their own due to the ability to add in Google AdSense. It is good to have blogs on several different free sites since this provides a more organic appearance for links between them. Search engines like organic seeming back links the most of all. Four links between BlogSpot sites will be good for search engines, but a series of blogs on four different sites will seem much better. 

This is a time consuming approach and the income will be very small at first. Some of the heartache and low income angst can be removed by simply buying advertisement space or paying for traffic. If you find that using free sources for your free blog site income attempts does not work out then consider the age old concept of buying advertisements.

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